Additional Services

Siloam Mission’s programs and services are provided free of charge, with dignity and respect, and without discrimination. We serve hundreds of people every day, lending a helping hand to those who need it most.

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Additional Services

Longtin Resource Centre

Thanks to a generous donation from the Estate of Paul Longtin, we were able to completely renovate our art room and turn it into the multipurpose Longtin Resource Centre.

The Centre hosts an art program, recovery meetings, daily devotions, game activities, movie club and workshops. Our guests can even pick up a guitar or sit down to a piano to share and explore their musical gifts.

For our guests, reconnecting with their talents is a reprieve from day to day struggles and a way to reclaim confidence. Year after year, the program continues to be a place of healing where people show that they have something beautiful to offer.



Monday – Friday

2:00 – 4:00


Locker Program

Contact Drop In services for more information on times and availability.


Guest Haircuts

Check with Drop In staff for availability.

AA Meetings

This AA meeting, run by volunteers, helps people who are struggling with addictions.


5:00 – 6:00


Tax Returns

Available during tax season.

Other Support Services

For all other services, including counseling and food hampers, please contact us at or call 204.956.4344.

Stories of Hope

At Siloam Mission, hope begins with a meal. It is by first filling basic needs that we can help our guests begin to look to the future.

Videos Of Hope

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