Saul Sair Health Centre

Thanks to a $1 million gift from the estate of the late Winnipeg Pharmacist Mr. Saul Sair, our health centre opened on August 8, 2007. Since then the Saul Sair Health Centre (SSHC) has been addressing the complex health needs of people residing in Winnipeg’s inner city.

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Health Services

Saul Sair Health Centre, a compassionate, non-discriminatory environment where personal care is provided with respect, dignity and love to ensure all health needs are addressed.
Providing holistic health care to Siloam’s clients is a blessing that words cannot describe. Imagine health care for all.
Angelika – Manager, SSHC

Living on the street has a tremendous negative impact on a person’s health.   Maintaining health is a primary focus of our Saul Sair Health Centre. A combination of staff and over 130 volunteer health-care professionals from many fields provide primary care, specialized care and urgent needs care for those experiencing poverty and homelessness. Services include but are not limited to:

Did You Know

Without a permanent address you cannot get a Manitoba Health Card. Without a MB Health Card there is limited access to health services.

We are very blessed to have the support of so many professionals who volunteer their time.

Thanks to the support and encouragement of Professional Health Associations, suppliers and private donors the Saul Sair Health Centre is well equipped with volunteers, equipment and supplies to care for our clients.

Annually 45-80 students from diverse Universities and Colleges fulfill their practicums at the Saul Sair Health Centre from within Winnipeg and Brandon and as far away as the University of Chicago.

Stories of Hope

At Siloam Mission, hope begins with a meal. It is by first filling basic needs that we can help our guests begin to look to the future.

Videos Of Hope

By the numbers — because of you in 2015-16

Pairs of Glasses


pairs of glasses were prescribed & supplied



appointments took place with health care professionals

Over the Counter Consultations


over the counter consultations

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