Spiritual Care

Because addressing homelessness is not just about meeting physical needs but also psychological and spiritual ones, our spiritual care program helps people connect with faith congregations they feel comfortable with.

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Spiritual Care

Addressing homelessness is about meeting not only physical needs but also psychological and spiritual ones. Our spiritual care program desires to be an inclusive space for healing and growth for people of any faith or spiritual background, and to help them connect with faith resources appropriate for their own beliefs.

We also hold two weekly Bible Study Sharing Circles for guests who are interested, and offer memorial services to help community say goodbye to loved ones.

You can help us out by volunteering at one of our groups. We are looking for faith groups, and individuals passionate about connecting with our community through leading discussions, sharing music, praying, serving dinner and setting up. Please contact our Spiritual Care Coordinator Ramona at or 204.956.4344 if you are interested.

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