
Exit Up! Youth Programming

Home / / Cory

“I was raised in foster care and was completely lost when I left the system at 18. I don’t know where I’d be without Exit Up!, but I know it wouldn’t be good. The story of my life is changing.” —Cory

The narrative of Cory’s life began long before he was born when his grandparents were both taken away from their remote communities as children and put into residential schools.


Leaving the schools at 18, the two met shortly after, finding a connection with each other in their shared experience of unspeakable trauma. They had one child together – Cory’s mom, Sherry.


Sherry was raised by parents who lost the opportunity to learn things that some may take for granted – such as how to cook or manage finances, and the support of a stable family unit. This left Sherry unable to pass these things on to Cory.


Sherry turned to alcohol for much of her life as a means to numb the abuse and neglect of her childhood, which led to Child and Family Services apprehending Cory when he was just five years old.


Cory lived in more than a dozen foster homes in his life until he turned 18 and was left to fend for himself. He too turned to drugs as a means to survive, sleeping on a different couch every night. When he started coming to Siloam Mission for meals, the narrative of his family began to change.


Siloam Mission’s Exit Up!program is designed specifically for youth like Cory – kids who have goals and dreams just like any kid, but never had the opportunity in life to carry them out.


Through Exit Up!, Cory had a support worker who connected him to the right resources to manage his addictions. The worker helped Cory gain basic life skills to live independently, get job training, and secure housing at The Madison.

Surrounded by a kind of supportive community that his mother and grandparents never had, Cory has not only found hope and healing for himself, but for his family too.



Disclaimer: Every story told in this annual report is real. But to respect the privacy of those in our community, some of the names, photos and personal details have been changed.

Stories of Hope

At Siloam Mission, hope begins with a meal. It is by first filling basic needs that we can help our guests begin to look to the future.

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